Spread Green

M.M.Hills Wildlife Range

Save Trees

M.M.Hills Wildlife Range

Green World

M.M.Hills Wildlife Range


Gopinatham Tank...

 Gopinatham Tank...

Forest Office & Gopinatham Mystery Trail Camp

Mayil Mail ( Peacock hill) of Gopinatham

Gopinatham Tank

Gopinatha Tank

 Cauvery River at Sammedu

Cauvery River entering to Tamil Nadu

Hogenkal Falls

 a view of Nagamalai from Gopinatham Mystery Trail Camp

Gopinatham Tank

 Kurimande Forest Area

 Hogenakallu Falls 


South Indian Elephant

General Characteristics of Indian / Asian Elephants

Food Habits :-
            The Asian Elephant is an herbivore and feeds itself on bamboo, berries, mangoes, shrubs, tree, bananas, wood, apples, wild rice and coconuts. Since their bodies make use of only half of the food they consume, the elephant must eat between 330 and 350 pounds of food each day for their survival. On an average an elephant drinks 22 to 30 gallons of water each day. 

Habitat :-
            The areas with thick forests and an abundant supply of food are the most preferred habitat of elephants. The elephants also like muddy areas, where they can cool off during the hot summers.

Predators :-
           The fully-grown elephants are so large that they don't have natural enemies as they can easily crush most predators. The bigger animals attack only the very young elephants. The baby elephant's mother is very protective of her young and when she is away, other females of the herd take care of her young.

Social Structure :-
           Do you know that elephants have a matriarchal society and the leader of the herd is an elder female? Male elephants join a herd usually during mating season. The members of an elephant herd communicate with each by a combination of gestures and sounds. Elephants are known to have a strong sense of commitment to other members of the herd.

Birth and Offspring's :-
           Female elephants can start breeding at the age of 12. Once a female becomes pregnant, she gives birth to baby after 630 to 660 days, which is the longest gestation period for any land animal. The baby elephant is called calf and it weighs about 200 to 250 pounds at the time of birth and can walk just 2 hours after it is born.

Birds of Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary

Doves & Pigeons

1. Blue Rock Pigeon

Size : Pigeon +

Call : A deep gootr-goo, gootr-goo

A slaty-grey bird with metallic sheen of purple, magenta and green on neck and upper breast. Prominent two bars on the wings and a band across the end of the tail. Seen in open country with cliffs and gorges and near human habitation.

Food : Cereals, pulses, groundnut, etc.

2. Eurasian Collared Dove or Ring Dove

Size : Pigeon -

Call : A deep, trisyllabic kuk-koo-kook
A pale vinous grey and brown pigeon with a prominent narrow black half-collar or ring on the hind neck. Sexes alike. Seen in pairs or loose flocks in open scrub areas, especially towards the periphery of forest.
Food : Cereals, bamboo and grass seeds.

3. Little Brown Dove or Laughing Dove

Size : Myna + –
Call : Soft  coo –rooroo-crooo-roo
Smaller than spotted dove. White dots on black throat area over a smaller extent.  Side coverts are grey. Seen in small flocks or pairs.
Food : Seeds & grains on ground
4. Spotted Dove

Size : Pigeon –
Call : krookruk-krukroo….. kroo .. kroo
White spots on black nape. Usually seen in pairs.
Food : Seeds & grains on ground, occasionally insects.

5. Yellow-footed Green Pigeon

Size : Pigeon
Call : usually silent
Larger than doves.  A tree canopy-dwelling pigeon, usually seen in flocks at fruiting trees especially fig trees; coming down to ground occasionally, to drink water or pick earth at salt-licks.
Food : Fruits

6. Blossom (Plum) headed Parakeet

Size : Rose ringed Parakeet –
Call : shrill tooi or tooi-tooi, knee
Male has a bluish red head with maroon red shoulder- patch, female has grayish head with yellow collar round the neck. Seen in pairs or small parties, coming to ground to feed on seeds in undergrowth.
Food : Fruits mainly for seeds

7. Rose ringed Parakeet

Size : Myna +
Call : A loud, screaming  keeak, keeak, keeak…..
Male has thin rose pink coloured ring around the neck, absent in female. Seen in noisy flocks flying in between trees or in the evenings high above the trees.
Food : Fruits mainly for seeds, gather in orchards for feasting.

8. Black headed Oriole

Size : Myna
Call : Loud, harsh, rather nasal, and melodious fluty whistle
Black head, with coral-red beak. Found usually in pairs, often in loose association with other birds (like flycatcher, nuthatch, white-eye, babbler, warbler, drongo, etc) as mixed hunting parties, each species playing a different part in the hunt, all ben
Food : Insects, nectar, fruits & berries

9. Golden Oriole

Size : Myna
Call : Harsh  cheeh,, fluty wee-lo-wee
Brilliant golden yellow bird with black wings. Seen in pairs, sometimes chasing each other. Winter visitor (Sept – Jan).
Food : Insects, nectar, fruits & berries

Barbets :-

10. Coppersmith or Crimson-breasted Barbet

Size : Half the size of Small Green Barbet
Call : loud tuk, tuk, cuk,cuk  repeated every second, like coppersmith hammering metal.
Has yellow throat, crimson forehead & breast. Seen in higher canopy. Found in singles or in big parties.
Food : Fruits, berries & insects

11. Small Green or White cheeked Barbets

Size : Indian Myna
Call : kor-r-r-kutroo, kutroo, kutroo, kor-r
Has stout bill, white cheek and scaly brown breast. Seen in pairs or small parties clinging to trunks and branches of trees climbing up like a woodpecker. Seen in lower canopy.
Food : Fruits, berries & insects.


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